Data Privacy

NowaVino, Lda. – Tourism and Agriculture has set itself the task of providing a high quality service to all customers and visitors of the website Quinta Do Sobral® in all aspects of data protection. All personal information relating to customers, members or visitors of the website will be treated in accordance with the RGPD (Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados).

How and for what purposes is your personal information used?

NowaVino, Lda. uses the information collected to facilitate the booking of rooms and holiday homes with billing, customer management, for historical and statistical purposes, legal obligations, quality control of services and future contacts. We use the information collected to tailor our products and services to our customers’ needs to send information, promotions and rates via email, SMS or phone call, depending on your stay. In this context, we suggest that an appropriate email address be provided for the receipt of such messages. These communications relate to our products and services and do not constitute a legal or contractual obligation, and there are no consequences for those who do not provide them.

The retroactive withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the course of action chosen on the basis of that consent.

Who is responsible for the information?

NowaVino is responsible for the collected data processed by the computer. To ensure the security of your information, we treat the information you provide to us as strictly confidential, do not share it and do not disclose it to third parties for commercial purposes.

The data subject may lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority – the National Data Protection Commission (Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados).

Whom can you contact to access, correct or delete the data?

Our customers and visitors have different privacy issues and can always review, update and decide what kind of data they want to have stored. The data protection officer can be contacted directly by e-mail or by post at or respectively NowaVino, Lda, Rua Principal, 3260-342 Figueiró dos Vinhos, at any time a copy of the data, revocation of consent, rectification, deletion, Restriction, transferability and opposition to their treatment.

How long are the data stored?

The personal details are kept until the end of the period for which they are intended. In the case of customer data, these will be deleted 2 years after the last interaction regarding services or, if the customer benefits from a Quinta Do Sobral® loyalty program, at a later date and if applicable, if applicable. There may be legal provisions requiring personal data to be retained for a minimum period of time.


Um die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten und maximale Vertraulichkeit zu gewährleisten, behandeln wir die Informationen, die Sie uns zur Verfügung gestellt haben, absolut vertraulich gemäß unseren internen Sicherheits- und Vertraulichkeitsrichtlinien und -verfahren. Wann immer Sie zur Eingabe von Kreditkarteninformationen aufgefordert werden, erfolgt diese Kommunikation über eine sichere SSL-Verbindung (Secure Sockets Layer), wenn SSL-fähige Browser wie Microsoft Internet Explorer oder Netscape Navigator verwendet werden. Wir werden SSL auch auf allen Seiten verwenden, auf denen Sie nach persönlichen Informationen gefragt werden, was bedeutet, dass Ihre Informationen verschlüsselt über das Internet gesendet werden. Sie können feststellen, dass Sie sich im abgesicherten Modus befinden, wenn Sie in der unteren rechten oder linken Ecke des Monitors ein Schloss- oder Schlüsselsymbol sehen.

Intellectual property rights

All content on the Quinta Do Sobral® website (text, images and videos) is authorised and protected by the Code of Copyright and Related Rights. This website may contain links to third-party websites that are not under the control of NowaVino, Lda. Our privacy policy does not apply to these websites and you are therefore advised to read the privacy policy on these sites.

Contact and contact persons

NowaVino, Lda. | Quinta Do Sobral®

Ribeira de São Pedro – Quinta Do Sobral
P-3260-342 Figueiró dos Vinhos
Tlm.: +351 960 232 988
Managing Directors: Dr. Bernhard and Dr. Brigitte Nowakowsky